If you’re one of the junior golfers who has received emails and phone calls from college coaches on September 1, 2018, consider yourself on the collegiate golf radar, pat yourself on the back for the successes you have accomplished on the golf course and in the classroom. Unless there has been a verbal commitment between yourself and the golf coach/university, this is merely the beginning of the official recruiting process.
But what if you didn’t get an email or phone call? What do you do now?
If you didn’t receive any emails or phone calls, then maybe its time to look in the mirror and ask yourself:
Do I work hard enough?
Have I committed myself to the game?
Have I committed myself academically?
Do I make the right decision on and off the golf course?
What does my online activity look like? Does my social media presence portray a candidate of
positive character?
Is my scoring average worthy of Division I, Division II, Division III, NAIA or a junior college?
Good news: There is no need to panic!
There is still plenty of time to find the right fit for your golf game and the level of academics you require. Scoring averages are absolutely important, however there are other factors that play into the art of recruitment. How can you set yourself apart and ahead of other recruits?
What kind of teammate are you?
Are you coachable?
Do you have the passion to continue to grow as a golfer/student/citizen?
How are your time management skills?
Do you set realistic process and outcome goals?
Do I achieve excellence within the classroom?
Do I have a positive attitude not only on the course, but in everyday life?
What would your past groupings/pairings say about you after a day of competition?
All collegiate coaches at every level are looking at these attributes. Do you have them? If not, are you realistically looking at your weaknesses and setting goals to get better? The beauty of the game of golf is that it lends itself not only to the game, but life after college. These bullet points will easily transition into traits needed to be successful in the future including work and family philosophies.
You and only you can create the candidate that will stand apart from others on the course. Reflect upon those bullet points and really marinate on who you are as a junior golfer and who you strive to become. How are you going to become the golfer you need to be in order to have choices that will affect your future success and ultimately your life?
Where do you start? Managing your time each day to dedicate yourself to academics, selfcare, practice and social needs is a great place to begin. Set those process and outcome goals and remember that a healthy balance of all stated is just as important. Reach out and utilize resources available for areas in which you are weak. An inquiring coach will only garner respect for you if you have a plan in place for needed areas of growth.
As important as a coach’s perspective of you, remember that you need to be firm in your needs as agolfer and a student. Research all collegiate levels and really dig deep to find a college that is the best fit for your needs academically and athletically.
Be grateful for the support you’ve had through these years to practice, play and compete. If you haven’t had the support you require, then reach out to local golf associations and courses. Ask for help! There is not one professional golfer on any tour that has accomplished everything on their own. Everyoneneeds help along the way. It’s up to you to create opportunities to better yourself. As I stated in my previous blog, maturity and potential play a major role within your success on and off the golf course. Ask for help, be willing to do the work, and always show up with a good attitude. Be grateful for those who help you to become better and when you reach those stated goals, don’t forget to give back to thegame and other junior golfers down the line who also may dreams of playing collegiate golf.
I hope these words allowed you to reflect upon your personal journey. You have choices that can create opportunities that in turn will create an amazing life. Surround yourself with good folks and believe in yourself. Make the most out of each day but most importantly: Be grateful.
Please find attached the NCAA 2018/2019 recruiting calendar and guidelines for parents and coaches.
Enjoy the Walk!
Coach Watts